Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Wanted: Earnest Prayer! <3 by juju


God is in the business of showering me His blessings! And guys I cannot contain the joy,the excitement, and I suddenly felt the abrupt urge.. desire and a self-recognized NEED to feel all your presence. So finally, I wanna break my silence..... It has been sooooooooooooo long.. a month I guess of my seclusion and I terribly missed you all... our shared wisdom and expressed love...guyz haha, the thought of them brings me teary eyed. It feels good to be back. This blog is like a home, you know the feeling where you can sit down and relax... ahhhhhhh comfy. =)
I am in the moment that I don't wanna talk and linger about the past yet, so friends let's be futuristic ohk.. So, here it goes.. I have started already a shoot for my first movie DAGAW wherein I am playing the role of Richard Gutierrez's girlfriend.. ^_^ ! I feel so honestly honored and until now I am still overwhelmed that Big people in the BIZ has trusted me to do this project whew! I am so nervous, talk about being a newbie!.. And I remember a friend who shared to me about how hard it is for a neophyte to join a troop in a battlefield, the experienced tenured armies hate him as his inexperty to the job might cause the death even of a skilled warrior. VERY TRUE. How am I taking these?? Oh man! workshops, memorizing my script, research as I have to seriously internalize my role. Big thing is that our director in this film is no other than the legendary direk CHITO RONO..waaaaaaa seriously...yeah serious..very serious this is! PLEASE..please pray for me. I cannot do this alone without you my true friends back me up a spiritual warfare. And wait.. Not only that! Finally, your shouting has been heard, as saw on national TV I will be part of KAMANDAG where I will be playing Richards love interest. When Richard gave his message for me during the final judgement of Starstruck, I didn't take it seriously, as in you know, I was thinking that was just part of the program where he has to deliver a message..nothing special...Oh well, maybe work with him but not as his leading lady or in a loveteam. NOT A BIG DREAMER HERE, but God being my Blessor has really big surprises for me..looking back... there and then, I figured out Richard was sincere in that message and I find it so sweet of him to spare me his precious time. Are you guyz excited for me?? I hope so, coz I AM!!.. =) There is just one thing that worries me, my schooling.. =(
More leytah k?.. =)
You've seen how I started. You joined me in my journey.. please hang on with me. I need to feel the grip of your hands to assure me everythings gonna be alright. Already? Again, pray for me po ha.. =)

~ Juju <3

this is juju's blog entry on her blog ofcourse! as of Monday, September 10. 2007!

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