Wednesday, November 14, 2007

surveyyyyyyy 11-14-07

1. Who sits behind you in English?
♫ no one

2. Last text you received on your
♫ from ate joyce

3. If you could kiss anyone who would it be?
♫ i think, it's him! you know who you are! love yah!

4. What song are you listening to?
♫ rainbow by southborder

5 . Who does it remind you of?
♫ krista! lolz!

6. Last movie you watched?
♫ i think, "I've Fallen For YOu"

7. Which of your friends lives closest to you?
♫ khim, krista and jearl!

8 .What CD is in your stereo?
♫ uhmmm,, cd of my dad?! dunno!

9. Do you have a job?
♫ dont have..

10. What did you do yesterday?
♫ talk and talk!!

11. What big concerts have you been to?
♫ i think, Yas' mall tours..!!! and on rock cafe!

12. Do you wear contacts or glasses?
♫ nope!

13. What are the things that you don't want to do anymore?
♫ seeing the man who i HATE most!!! grrrrrrrrr!!

14 . If you found out you're pregnant, what would you do?
♫ happy when i'm in my right age! (nosebleed!)

15. Do you trust your friends?
♫ YESSSSSSS! very much

16. Who was the last person to call you?
♫. i think... it's daddy eric!

18 . Would you like to live and work to another state or country?
♫. yes! i like to live in Taiwan or South Korea!

19. Next vacation you're going on?
♫. whew! i wish it's South Korea!

20 . Do you play any instruments?
♫. yep,, a little bit on guitar, kulintang?! kayu, and sarronais..

21 . Do you believe that everything happen s for a reason?
♫. YES!

22. Do you want any piercings?
♫. nope..

23. Did you ever go to Prom?

24. Look out the window:
♫. oh?!

25. What are your nicknames?
♫. marj, jojo, marjo, jo, etc!

26. Last time you went to the mall?
♫. last last week?!

27 . Who last YM you?
♫. krispers!

28. What kind of music do you like?
♫. mellow.. r&b and hiphop... classical... love songs!

29 . What was the last thing you ate?
♫. dinner...

good night!! ---marj02

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