Saturday, July 18, 2009

argh? :|

Waaaah! Prelim exams are done and it means it's already Midterm! :D
Can you imagine that?! I was like.. :O .... days passes by so fast! (amf wrong grammar I think :p )

Chemistry subject is such a T_T .........
Argh! I can't tell if I can pass that subj..

Nothing else to say... haha.........

* wait, the horoscope in friendster is totally gone!!! Can't live without it!!!!! :( *

~ Felt like so wasted and stressed. :(
~ Gimme some time to relax. T_T

♥♥ Marj ~
~ he can't read my POKER FACE... mamamamarjjjjj.. ♥♥

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