Friday, July 10, 2009

shocked! :O

Capricorn (Dec 22 - Jan 19)

The Bottom Line

You feel really pretty fantastic, and that's a great way to feel. Cheers to that!

In Detail

A loved one has been trying to talk you into making a great big change, and doing it suddenly. You're not fond of that sort of thing, especially if you're not calling the shots -- but now, with this particular person behind you 200 percent, you're not thinking of reasons why you shouldn't act. You're ready, and it's time. Talk about a winning combination.


I never ever expected this horoscope.
`cause last night, I prayed for a sign.

Then that sign really happened a while ago in the morning.

So speechless right now!
Believe it or not???

Waaaaaaaahh... CONFUSED!!!!

~ CIAO! ♥♥

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